Tokyo Show (14th) October 9 - 11, 2024|Kyushu Show (3rd) May 28 -30, 2025


Latest agriculture technologies gather all at once

J-AGRI TECH is a specialised show for the latest agriculture technologies and smart farming technologies such as IT/IoT, Drones, agricultural robots, plant factory system, etc.

Exhibit Profile

• Smart Farming
• Plant Factory System
• Drone for agriculture
• Robot for agriculture
• IT Solution

• Solar Sharing
• Automation System
• Retail Digital Transformation
• Remote Monitoring/Control
• Marketing Solution                   etc.

<Special Exhibiting Areas>

Plant Factory Zone, Drone/Robot Zon

Check the previous exhibitors list

Visitor Profile

• Impoter, Distributor
• Farmer
• Agricultural Cooperative
• Agricultural Corporation
• Plant Factory Operator

• Mass Retailer
• Wholesaler
• Research Institute
• University
• Government, Municipality

Exhibit with us

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